Sue Platt

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The Journey Begins

Tomorrow I leave for Europe and after a few days of relaxing in Comporta I start my big adventure.  The walk starts on 1st September and over the next eight days we will walk 160 kms.  I am feeling very excited but a bit apprehensive about the unknown.  Thank you everyone once again for all your support and your generosity..  I look forward to keeping you posted of my journey.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


M & M Coppel


Judy Rothfield

Happy to support such a great cause


Ray Family

Good luck with the walk!!


Eva Rutman

Go Sue!


Sandra Smorgon

Great cause. Good luck. Love sandi


Vivienne Harris

Well done Sue. Happy to help.


Sandra And David Loewy


Louise Green

Now that you are an athlete… walk on! Well done!


Georgie Landau

Enjoy the journey


Liz And David Davidson

What an amazing cause. Enjoy the walk and send lots of pics.


Carol & Solly


Julie Zimet

Go Sue!!! I’ll be with you in spirit xx



Go gal go!


Judy And Michael

You go girl. Wishing you all the very best


Anita And Peter Frayman

Good on you Sue!


Marilyn Braun

Good on you Sue. Xx


Viv Kalus

An amazing cause close to your heart. Enjoy the walk Viv & Henry xx


Rodney Goldbloom


Judy Bennett & Shlomo

Good luck Sue - enjoy



Good luck Enjoy the walk


Tatum Moore

Walk on! Xx



Well done!… good luck on the walk.


Susanna Platt