Rosa B

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I'm fundraising for better ways to treat and care for infants and children with paediatric allergies. 

No infant or child should die or suffer from a reaction to what they eat.

Food is to be enjoyed and shared. It provides a fundamental basis for the well-being, growth, and development of a child.

It was when my dearest girlfriend’s baby daughter almost died from being kissed by her father who ate a nut, and there was no help anywhere to be found, that the Ilhan Food Allergy Foundation was born 21 years ago.

When invited to be a part of the fundraising committee 15 years ago, I said 'yes' and continue to say 'yes' to support the cause. Let's make a difference and make a change!

Today, we see a growing global problem of severe food allergies, spreading across different food groups and a rise in fatalities from food.

In Australia, it is now a crisis of epidemic proportions

We have:

-  1:10 infants born today are diagnosed with a food allergy

-  Non-fatal food anaphylaxis resulting in hospital admission is on the rise

-  Food anaphylaxis fatalities are on the rise

-  Increase in wait times to see a specialist doctor/ fellow are now up to 18+ months 

In September 2024, 20 individuals will each walk up to 20km a day for eight days to raise awareness and funds for The Centre for Paediatric Allergies.

My personal goal is to raise $10,000 and more!!

100% of the funds raised will go towards a fellowship. A fellowship is so that a doctor can be trained to treat Australian infants and children with severe food allergies, as well as, support ongoing research in a specialised area.

The more we raise, means:

- More medical fellows and specialised doctors

- A decrease in wait times to see a fellow and specialised doctors

- More infants/ children treated

- More infants/ children's lives saved

- More knowledge and understanding of food allergies

Please join me to make a difference.
Thank you for your support and generosity, to a cause dear to my heart -- children and food.

# No More # Never Again

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Brendan Fleiter

Go Rosa!




Greg Hocking

Great cause Rosa..


Phil Walsh

Keep up the great work Rosa..!


Kerry Islin

Proud of you Bella ❤️


Karla Chiappazzo

Go Bella, love you x


Michael Smit

Well done Rosa, Team Moki are with you in every step you take every move you make….v


The Broad's

Well done Rosa amazing cause and great to have an opportunity to support you.


Oriana Nespeca

Great effort for a great cause! Have an amazing time x


Gary Mc

Great cause.


Veronica Grottoli

What a great way to get your steps in!! So proud of you. Xx


Hilary Bb

This is a great cause Rosa. Well done!


Tom King

Good work Rosa


Steven Hayhoe



A great cause Rosa, well done 👏👏


Tracee Rowe

Go wifey :) Great cause


David Hope

Great stuff Rosa! We just did 260Ks on the Camino trail in Spain which was a great experience but your effort is even better as you are fund raising! Well done 👍🏼



Smash it BH! From Bakes.


Elena Shpak

Awesome , love your work Rosa


Pennee Bell

Amazing effort! Best of Luck!


Jayne Lewis

Awesome work Rosa! Go girl xxx


Steve Coad


Isabel Botha

Good on you gorgeous gal and best of luck to you all xox


Mal King

Great cause Rosa. Good luck.


Christie Bechara

Amazing cause. Good luck!


Jaye Do

Hope you hit your goal! Suxh a good your work Rosa.


Johan Fantenberg


Stuart Turner

Great cause Rosa, well done


Jess Chow

Great cause to be supporting!


Vanessa Morrison

So proud of you Rosa. Well done!!


Andrew Trotter

Well done Rosa, what a great cause.


Debra Schultz

Good on you Rosa!


Danny Flint

Good luck!


James Ross

Good luck walking 160 KMs over 8 days!!! You're amazing and I'm sure you'll be able to accomplish this like a walk in the park. Well a large National Park :-)


Tim Sim


Matt Slater

Good on ya for supporting a great cause Sista


Tamzed Ashraf

All the best Rosa


James Egan

Good luck Rosa…watch those steps!


Jane Bilsborough

You are amazing. Love watching you sparkle x


Ross King


Dayna Volk

Happy to contribute to such a great cause! Keep up the great work Rosa!


Ashley Isserow

great cause, Rosa. glad to help.



Thank you for raising funds for such an important and worthy cause.



All the best, Rosa