Walk for Endo with Maddy

By Maddy Forster

Join me on the 24th of March at 10am to walk a lap of the Tan in Melbourne to raise awareness for this chronic disease. 

Endometriosis has caused struggle in my life after 8 years of pain and uncertainty. In 2020 I was 'officially' finally diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis & Adenomyosis after 3 years of misdiagnosis, chronic pain and dismissal from doctors.

I spent my years from 20-23 going to the toilet up to 9 times a day with pain down my back, legs and feeling like my pelvis was going to explode. After two ablation surgeries and three excision surgeries, I sit here at the age of 26 still experiencing pain, fatigue and pure exhaustion. I can go days on end with some form of constant back pain.

There is currently no cure and surgery has given me nearly two years relief, but the last few months have been difficult. I've been juggling new medications to help my symptoms.

At the prime age of 23, I was told to freeze my eggs in the chance I can't fall pregnant one day. At 24, I completed a second cycle which did more harm than good to my body and I suffered from ovarian hyperstimulation.

Now, 5 surgeries later I am off to have a sixth surgery next month to try and relieve an immobile ovary and my symptoms. Although surgery isn't the answer, the other options on the table aren't for me at this time, which is why I want to raise money to find other treatment options. 

This disease is not a one man job, it affects everyone in my life and I wouldn't be here today without the love and support from my dear family and close support network.

Please donate to help make a change for people like me. 

Thank you for your support!


Elizabeth Ryan


Bill Savvas


David Muirhead



You go girl....


Elizabeth Kyle


Simon Forster



Tom & Jane Edgley

Good on you Maddie. Such important work.


Peter Blassis

Great cause Maddie


Cath Sorrell

Go Maddi Go!




Martin Duffy


Michael Ritchie

Wishing you all the best for your walk. congratulations on being brave and public. I'm c/- Dad.


Catherine O'leary

Go Maddy Go. One step forwards then another. Repeat for 10 kms. Then coffee! Enjoy the walk!




Main Road Investments

Power to you Maddy!


Tiarne Marley

Well done Mads! Tiarne and Jai xx



Thanks Maddy for continuing to advocate for all who suffer from this debilitating disease. With ongoing research there is hope!


Kristine Chapman-tree

Congratulations Maddie for all you do for this cause . You are making a difference.


Tina Schmidt


Eq8 Accountants (mel) Pty Limited

Keep up the inspirational work Maddy




John Burke


Vinoo Abraham And Leena Mathews


Marianne Wallace



Andrew Taylor

Go Maddy!


Michael Ditchfield


Alan Meads

Well don’t


Suzy Redston

Great work




Ariana A



Peter And Rasika Crowley


Lisa Kuhn

Love & best wishes to you and all who suffer from endometriosis, Maddy. It's a cruel and painful disease and we hope more therapies will become available through advocacy by people like you. Lisa & John.


Danielle Wilkins

Thank you for your resilience and for your consideration for other endo sufferers - its thanks to women like you that we will get closer to managing this condition better and understanding it more.


Scott Veenker


Attila Nagy

Go Maddy! Well done.


Stephen Farrell


Rod Hunt

Good luck Maddy


Kara Allen

Great cause Maddy-wishing you all the best for your treatment.


Bigelow Family


Barbara Hohmann

Best wishes, Maddy!


Seamus Hounihan

Amazing strength Maddy





Beate Mitteregger

All the best for your fundraising walk for such a worthy cause. You are brave and we wish you well


Denise Wild

Maddy, well done for your amazing efforts in raising awareness and money for such an important cause.




Katherine Beards

Well done Maddy and all the best for the next one x


Maggie Gaule


Felix Oberender


Broque Family Xo

Huge congrats on how much you've raised - in dollars and in awareness !!


Minoo Patel

Best wishes to you, Maddy Minoo and Nil


Simon Lowrie


Simon Lowrie


Ken And Lyn Harmsworth


Daniel Spiller



Anne Munro


Enza Parisi-irgl

Well done Mads


John Findeisen


Mary B

Maddy, our thoughts are with you and your family,, we’re sending heartfelt wishes and prayers for strength and healing as you navigate the journey ahead


Deepak Gaur


Rob Baird

good luck




Fotini Dimos


Ruth D


Your Dad's Tennis Mates

Great stuff Maddy. You're tougher than your old man!


Jacqui, Greg And Ferdi

Go get ‘em Maddy!


Adriana Agosta

Maddy, proud of your efforts!


Douglas Wells


Piyush Siwach

Good on Maddy to make this effort to raise funds to support endometriosis research. I am sure you would come out the winner in your fight against this debilitating disease.


Gcl Australia Pty Ltd


Mike And Gissell .

GO MADS 💛💛💛💛




Liz Tarascio

Well done Maddy . Keep up the good work.👏👏👏


Marion Mcclure

Best wishes Maddy and well done on all your efforts


Liam Jodana


Appleseed Gift Box

Best of Luck! 💕


Sally Munday


Alex S

Good luck, Maddy


Chris Blain


Skye W




Silvano Masci


Ian And Carolyn Lewis

Enjoy the walk Maddy, you are doing a GREAT job!!


Andrew Parisi

All the best Madeline !!


Michael Blewett

Good luck Maddy!


Granil Marin De Guerra

Great cause ! Love and best wishes to you!


Abbie Attard

Thanks for organising!! You’re a legend 💛💛


Jason Rough


Lisa Sureda


Peter Rosenow


Stephen Forster & Sophie Salvitti

Keep up the great work Mads, we know your dedication will pay off! Xxxx


Katrina T

What a great cause!


Rod & Cheryl Newton

Best wishes Maddy - your courage is inspirational. …….Rod & Cheryl Newton




Liz Capell


Paul & Lesley Gilmour

Best Wishes Maddy. Hope you and the medical team get on top of it real soon.


Ravin Sadhai


Anna Michael

Great work Maddy


Vinnie Montebello

Good luck


Greg Rowles


Lauren Williams


Manish Jain


Jarin Herson






David Muirhead



Wishing you health 🙏


Jocelyn Howell


Peter Doherty


Harley Wallis

Great work Maddy!


Darren & April Whitaker


Heather Forster

Good Luck with the fundraiser Maddy. Love Nana




Kathryn Field


Paul And Jo Bonsak

Well Done Mads


Paul And Jo Bonsak

Well Done Mads


Cathy Vella

It’s a very worthy cause Maddy. You Go Girl!


Aleesha Jansen

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target