Caroline Le

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I'm fundraising for...

I'm wallking to support Epworth find new and better ways to diangose, treat and care for people with pancreatic cancer!  

This cause is close to my heart and your generosity is much appreciated. 

By supporting me, you'll be supporting Epworth Medical Foundation to fund state-of-the-art medical equipment, cutting-edge research and provide exceptional patient care to people with pancreatic cancer, and their loved ones. 

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Elias Jreissati


Trivia Night


George Stamas


Kylie Kwong

Go Caz! Amazing course and adventure of a lifetime!


Scott Bulger

Caroline, your leadership and work at the Centre is Amazing!!!!


Andrew Metz

Flying the flag for the Centre - we will all be cheering you on from the seated position!


Jacqui Dicintio

Caz you superwoman!!! 💜



In memory of Alec, a guy who threw many (almost) unrecoverable parties, the last one on his pancreas. :) He'd be cheering you on, and reminding you to enjoy the adventure as much as the destination. O xx


Quynh & Yennie

Go Caz!! we’ll all be cheering you on!


Debbie Tran


Eveline & Paul

Go Caz! You’re truly inspiring!


James & Ellen Lew

You go, girl! We'd never be able to do the walk so we're relying on you to fly the flag! Keep up the amazing work you're doing at the JPCE. We have faith in you and the whole team.


Cherie Sotero

Always in awe of the amazing things you do! So great what you're doing for pancreatic cancer. Go Mamma Cazza!


Beth Chuah

You’ve got this girl! So proud of this super exciting challenge you’ve set yourself!





Alyssa Donald

Go Caz!


Jane El Khoury


Annette Truong




Jacqui Nguyen

In awe of your incredible achievement, not even delayed luggage could stop you!


Health Practice Digital

Keep up the great work Caz 💕



You got this Caz!!!!


Lisa Nguyen

Best of luck on your trail Caz! Thank you for advocating for pancreatic patients :)


Rachel Voshege


Sarah Holdsworth-carson

Smash it!!


Raffiela Garcia


Shez Oliva

Amazing as always Caz!!!


Peter Tregenza



Well done Caz!!


Lisa Hayes

So proud of you !! This is such a good cause.


Emma Ho


Jo-anne Crowther

You should be so proud of what you are going to accomplish Caroline! Go you!!


Ashleigh Poh


Lylia Pham


Jordan Truong


Ross Sorbello

Amazing effort Caz!


Cherie Dear

Well done Caroline 💜💜


Sue T


Jennifer Tran

My mum pass away because of pancreatic cancer. Knowing that there wasn’t enough research put into this blows my mind. Thank you for the efforts you’re putting into this research and making a change.


Janet Chung


Elyse Pearson