In Memory of Adrian Ohlsen

By Elizabeth Hale

I've created this page in memory of a loved one.

We want to honour and celebrate Adrian's memory by raising money for the Epworth Medical Foundation (EMF), in particular the Neurosurgical Microscope Appeal. Epworth provided expert care throughout Dad's illness, always delivered with skill and compassion.

EMF raises essential funds to provide exceptional care for patients at Epworth, a not-for-profit, private hospital group. Your support goes to world-class medical equipment, innovative research and compassionate patient programs.

Please help us support EMF by making a gift. The more people that know about this fundraiser, the greater the impact, so please also spread the word by sharing this page.

Thank you in advance for your generosity

Thank you for your kindness


Matthew Hale

For Adrian, who taught me the meaning of courage. For Diane and the girls, who taught me the meaning of devotion. From a grateful son-in-law.


Tamara Boyd

Adrian was the most wonderful mentor, role-model and friend to me (and many others). I'm so grateful our paths crossed and I'll forever 'pay it forward'. Sending much love to the family he so adored.


Rosie Chatfield

In honour of Adrian.


Rita And Ron Stasiuk


Chris Toner

Lots of beautiful memories of a very special family man.


Peter Mcguckin

I’m looking at forest and mountains. Appropriate, given these were the spaces that we used for building outdoor leadership. Adrian was the trainer’s trainer. Quiet, assured, self-effacing and highly skilled, he was a core contributor and driver of the Silver Creek Training Group over many years. Many classes of select St Kevin’s students were shaped in this program and carried the lessons forward into their lives. Just one of Adrian’s many legacies. Vale my friend. And sadly, am far from Oz this week.


Jo And Martin Day


Jane And Allan George

This is a sad time for the Ohlsen family, you have lost a husband, father and grand father. He excelled in all roles. This is a sad time for the George family, we have lost a brother, brother-in-law, uncle and great uncle - he made our lives richer through being part of it. This is a sad time for Australia, as a nation we have lost a caring, thoughtful with Christian based values who made a positive contribution to the life of everyone he met.



Love you always. May his legacy last long.


Marg And Tony Hale

For Adrain. A beautiful man whose love and friendship we treasured.


Catherine And Ferdinand Zito


David And Suzanne Galvin

A dear friend who made this world a better place


Nadia And Alf Costanzo

May your memories of loving moments together warm your hearts forever.



Dear Di, this donation is from MelbUniGirls in support of the Neurological Microscope Appeal.


Meg Dracoulas

I will forever be grateful to Adrian and Diane for opening their home and hearts to me growing up. He was one of the best men I know and will be truly missed by all.


Paul Connor

A quick anecdote. When I was going through some of the hardest times in my life as a wayward teen, Adrian reached out and told me he was there for me if I ever needed someone to talk to. I never did, but the offer meant something to me on a pretty profound level. Especially for young men, not many people ever say that to you in life. He was such a kind man. I’m very grateful I knew him. I’m going to be on a plane to Poland during the stream on Thursday (our Wednesday night) but will be thinking about you all.


John Galvin

Adrian was much loved, and a great support for all the family. He'll be much missed. xx


The Elliott Five

Given with love and gratitude for a lifetime of friendship. Given to honour the great care Adrian received from his lovely family. Given to support the important work of the EMF.


Formica Family

In memory of a life so fully lived and to a beautiful man whose infectious nature touched so many. All our love


Crewe Family

With love


Keith And Angie Ohlsen

Rest easy brother.


Sue And David Wallace

So sad to lose such a wonderful man too soon. We are both thinking of you all, Di.


Lindsay And Ruth White


Jill Scott


Sarah And Darren Ohlsen

For all the care you gave to my brother- thank you


Jacqueline Galvin

You held me as a baby and then we went on as friends celebrating and commiserating through life’s events. You were always by my side just when I needed you; you always turned up and made me absolutely okay no matter the circumstances. You are carried in my heart..


Chauncy Family

In the memory of my lovely Uncle and Gruncle to my children.


The Knobel’s

The most beautiful family xx


Pat And Lynette Cutri

Sincerest condolences to the Olsen family


Sally Bennett

Adrian was simply a wonderful man.....thoughtful, caring, compassionate, giving and always thinking of others. His love for Di and his beautiful girls knew no bounds. My late Dad loved Adrian like a son and Adrian stepped in and mentored me for many years after Dad died. Rest peacefully, dear Adrian.


Elena Failla

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

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Increased Target